About us
AFIL is an Italian private association, recognized by Lombardy Region as the regional technological cluster for Advanced Manufacturing. AFIL is the outcome of a Lombardy-Region-led, process aiming to set-up a network of clusters interested in carrying out, at national and at international level, an integrated and sustainable system of infrastructures, competences and methodologies supporting research and innovation as regards to best practices and enabling technologies for the manufacturing sector to support and develop the Lombard production system’s leadership and competitiveness. It is a private, non-profit legal entity representing a network of companies, universities, public or private research institutions and entities (including financial ones) operating in the field of the intelligent factory (Advanced Manufacturing).
The mission of the cluster can be summarized as follow:
To set up a stable community by connecting companies, universities, research institutions and associations, thus favouring cooperation by promoting research and innovation projects and initiatives.
To be a reference actor for the region for the defining of research and innovation strategies in the manufacturing sector.
To support the development of a research and innovation extra-regional network through the participation to CFI – intelligent factory national cluster and the connection with different European regions within smart specialization strategies.
AFIL, among different initiatives, is deeply involved in the Vanguard Initiative activities and leading the Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing (ESM) pilot in Vanguard. From this activity, in parallel with the activities of other European projects, AFIL assumed the role of partner in AI REDGIO 5.0 project. AFIL, within the project, leads Communication, Dissemination and Liaisons activities of WP8.