Open Call #1
The primary goal of the inaugural open call for the AI REDGIO 5.0 project is to identify and support up to 10 SME-driven experiments. These experiments will specifically target the implementation of AI at the Edge and Industry 5.0 systems, aiming to enhance current solutions, products, or processes within the manufacturing sector.
Moreover, this open call is designed to broaden the scope of AI REDGIO 5.0, directly benefiting manufacturing SMEs and small to mid-sized companies.

The AI REDGIO 5.0 open call is addressed to manufacturing SMEs eligible for Horizon Europe. Only one proposal will be accepted by each SME.
SMEs: manufacturing SMEs, as defined in the European Commission recommendation 2003/361/EC1 , as published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 124, p. 36 of 20 May 2003.
“The category of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million.”
Extract of Article 2 of the annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC.
Call opening: 01/12/2023
Call closing: 01/03/2024 – 12:00 CET
Assignation of evaluators: 19/02/2024 - 08/03/2024
Evaluation of proposals: 11/03/2024 – 14/04/2024
Communications of results: 15/04/2024 - 22/04/2024
Sub-grant agreements: 23/04/2024 – 19/05/2024
Execution of experiments: 20/05/2024 - 19/01/2025
Experiments are expected to cover the following topics:
TOPIC 1: AI at the Edge applications and edge-to-cloud continuum
AI is pivotal across various industries, and manufacturing is no exception. In AI REDGIO, our primary focus is highlighting the transformative impact of AI in manufacturing when executed at the edge. Leveraging edge-to-cloud frameworks and cutting-edge infrastructures, along with AI models for local execution, brings numerous benefits, including low latency, minimal data transfer, and enhanced data sovereignty and privacy. Experiments to be selected should demonstrate the above-mentioned approach, with providing real-life use cases that call for AI execution at the edge, or using hybrid cloud-edge infrastructures, and building the necessary services and AI models to realise this target.
TOPIC 2: Industry 5.0 and human-centric, resilient and sustainable manufacturing
While Industry 4.0 emphasizes advancing industrial activity beyond technical and economic goals like productivity and efficiency, Industry 5.0 takes a step further by prioritizing additional crucial objectives for the sector. These include human well-being, sustainability, and resilience. Industry 5.0 represents the next stage of industrialization, marked by the reintroduction of human labor to factories, distributed production, intelligent supply chains, and hyper customization. The overarching goal is to consistently provide a personalized customer experience. Experiments to be selected should explore how Industry 5.0 and human-centred digitalization can contribute to the flexibility and adaptability of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) production processes, resulting in more resilient and sustainable systems. The goal is to explain on real use cases the relationship between digital technologies and production system features through progressively more human-centric stages of a digitalized manufacturing system.
TOPIC 3: TERESA (Technology Regulatory Sandboxes) experiments
In the envisioned Industry 5.0 workplace by AI REDGIO 5.0, humans and machines collaborate closely using cutting-edge Collaborative Intelligence. This creates an immersive, real-time human-machine co-working environment. Recognizing the importance of work in adult lives, it's essential to address the ethical, regulatory, and societal impacts of this collaboration. Conducting experiments is crucial to ensure both companies and workers benefit while putting workers and their rights at the center of the evolving workplace. The main goal of this topic proposals is to develop a TEchnology and REgulatory Sandbox (TERESA) experiment, exploiting a DF’s facilities and addressing Human-AI interactions and regulatory and ethical issues. The experiments to be selected under topic 3 must cover one or more of the Topics 1 and 2, following the “humans in the loop” train-explain-sustain paradigm. The TERESA experimentation should have a twofold objective: i) a technical validation of the Human-AI interaction through a DFs, following the test-before-invest paradigm, and ii) a regulatory and ethical validation, involving volunteers and at least a competent authority (such as regulators, supervisors, policy-makers, innovation agencies, Vanguard Initiative representatives, regional or local authorities, etc.)