Open Calls
With the aim of expanding the AI REDGIO 5.0 ecosystem, the project foresees two different Open Calls to finance 20 additional experiments. This represents a huge opportunity for SMEs and small mid-caps to participate in the process of Digital Transformation of Industry 5.0, receiving complementary funding for the full implementation of their experiments.
The selection of the experiments will undergo three stages:
The call for third-parties support will be addressed to SMEs eligible for Horizon Europe (Open Call Winners). SMEs or for-profit entities will be funded 60% of their respective eligible cost, while non-profit organizations may receive funding 100% of their cost. The eligible costs are related to personnel, subcontracting and indirect costs.
The characteristics of the financial support will depend on the nature of the working teams and their corresponding experiments.
All successful applicants will benefit from AI REDGIO 5.0 unique ecosystem and will find complementary funding for the full implementation of their experiments. With a total budget for the two open calls of €1.2M, the maximum amount allowed per proposal will be EUR €60.000.
Dissemination activities will be planned to ensure the best visibility to the Open Calls through events, website and social media publications, etc.
The second Open Call will be launched at October 2024 to support 10 SME-driven experiments. The call will be open for 3 months, while experiments should be completed in 6 months.