About us
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK – https://www.fbk.eu/) is an internationally recognized Research Foundation, conducting scientific research in the areas of Information and Communication Technology, Advanced Materials and Microsystems, Theoretical and Nuclear Physics and Mathematics Research. The focus is to conduct excellent research and foster the realization of software systems, experimentation in realistic settings, validation on the field by living labs, industrial applications and high impact to market and society. In addition, FBK carries out its mission by disseminating and publishing results and transferring technology to companies and public entities.
The Center for Digital Industry (DICenter - https://dicenter.fbk.eu/) focuses its research on digital technologies for the various domains in industry (e.g., manufacturing, aerospace, railway, automotive, energy, agriculture, manufacturing, etc.). Relevant applications are critical systems, adaptive and autonomous systems, advanced perception, diagnostics, quality control and prediction systems. Also interest include precision farming, robotics, metrology, cultural heritage (in particular 3D modeling) and geomatics. Key technology assets are included Deep learning, Optical metrology, Vision, Model-based design, Planning, Scheduling, IoT, Edge intelligence.
FBK-DICenter participates in the AI REDGIO 5.0 project through the Open Platforms and Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things (OpenIoT - https://openiot.fbk.eu/) Research Unit. The OpenIoT research unit focuses its research activities on IoT infrastructures and platforms and, more generally, on those technologies that enable the seamless integration and management of devices, regardless of how smart they are, which short-range communication technology they use and how they interact with each other, to realize highly distributed and pervasive applications (from device, through the network edge, to cloud). By using cutting-edge AI-based methodologies, the final objective is to make these devices self-configurable, more autonomous and thus enduring.
The OpenIoT Research unit will support in the development and validation of solutions for SME.