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About us

Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT) is an instrumental body of the Autonomous Province of Trento and a research and knowledge dissemination organization. HIT promotes and enhances the scientific-technological research activities and results of its founders -University of Trento, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Trentino Sviluppo - through technology transfer activities.

HIT fosters innovation in the local socio-economic and production system, promoting technology transfer activities and stimulating companies and public administration to exploit knowledge and technology solutions produced by its scientific members. Moreover, HIT supports the growth of Trentino’s research and innovation ecosystem at national and international level coordinating the participation of its shareholders to European, national and local strategic initiatives in the innovation domains, including EIT KICs, Vanguard Initiative in particular in the Vanguard’s 3DP and AI pilot, and National Technology Clusters.

HIT is partner of Confindustria Trento within the DIH Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol adding value to research products on the market and identify the innovation needs of companies to stimulate research activities and solutions produced by our founders . HIT connects the scientific excellence with industry and investors for new technology ventures and technology transfer activities, including patent and technology portfolio exploitation, corporate landings and research collaborations with top-class know-how and facilities.

In AI REDGIO 5.0, HIT contributes to the activities on socio-economic impact analysis and is involved in the tasks on (E)DIH network development on the AI at the edge considering Industry 5.0.

Colleagues working on the project

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