About us
Luleå University of Technology is Sweden most northern university located just below the Arctic circle. It experiences rapid growth with world-leading expertise within several research domains. Our research is carried out in close collaboration with companies such as Bosch, Ericsson, Scania, LKAB, SKF as well as with leading international universities and national and regional actors. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.9 billion per year. We currently have 1, 815 employees and 19, 155 students.
The research group involved in the AI REDGIO 5.0 belongs to the Cyber Physical System research subject at the department of Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering.
The involvement in the AI REDGIO 5.0 is in part the knowledge transfer of the Eclipse Arrowhead framework, which is an vendor neutral open source IoT automation framework. The framework will be evaluated and assimilated by some of the use cases. The aim is also to support the Digital Innovation Hubs. The Eclipse Arrowhead framework is well suited for AI REDGIO 5.0 as it fits the edge concept with the idea of local clouds and integrates AI systems. It is also interoperable with legacy industrial automation systems. More information about the framework can be found on https://arrowhead.eu/ and https://www.youtube.com/user/ArrowheadProject. Due to the strong reliance on cyber security, the group leads the task on computation and security continuum from edge to cloud efforts.