About us
The Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH) is an Austrian non-university research institution for data science and software science. It focuses on the whole life cycle of software and AI system engineering. In recent years, SCCH has been deeply involved on smart manufacturing by introducing greater customization and personalization of products and services in AI technologies. For example, SCCH has developed a human-AI teaming platform that supports the collaboration of humans and AI in the frame of the TEAMING.AI European Project.
Within AI REDGIO 5.0, SCCH will lead the task T5.1 -Collaborative Intelligence Platform for Industry 5.0 - by building on the expertise of several pan-European projects. SCCH will investigate different approaches to human-AI collaborative intelligence and model the dynamics of the human-AI interaction in different phases: during the AI design-training-validation, during the AI application, and during the AI retraining/optimization (when it is already deployed in production). Additionally, as the only Austrian partner in the consortium, SCCH will act as bridge between AIREDGIO 5.0 and the Austrian EDIHs, especially to AI5Production, in which SCCH is a consortium member covering diverse AI (in production) aspects.
During the project, SCCH, together with the rest of the partners, expects to develop a novel platform to model, support and monitor a set of human-in-the-loop paradigms that are most relevant for Edge AI in Manufacturing, following the requirements of the AI REDGIO 5.0 experiments and the broader needs of the Cloud-to-Edge Industry 5.0.